Growth in specialist employee counselling service highlights shift away from EAP services

This year has seen the rapid growth in uptake of the in-house employee counselling services provided by Wellbeing Partners as companies organisations across the UK look for effective and sustainable approaches to supporting employee mental health.

This growth of workplace counselling reflects not only the acceptance of the need for organisations to support mental health at work, but also the realities that we face as employees and organisations in an uncertain world.

The past few years have been challenging to say the least.  The background uncertainty created by living through a pandemic, global insecurity as well as financial and environmental problems adds to the pressures of our personal and professional lives and the ongoing sense of flux has impacted not only the way we work, but our ability carry out our work effectively.

Here in the UK, the NHS mental health provision is experiencing unprecedented demand, with record requests for mental health services. Additionally, EAPs that were not created to cope with such levels of demand, are struggling and often failing to provide the necessary support for employee mental health issues. The inability of EAPs to cope has a knock-on effect, further burdening an already overstretched mental health service, and leaving employees with nowhere to turn for help.

A new approach is required, one that puts the needs of employee mental health at its core.  At Wellbeing Partners we believe that utilising our Workplace Counselling services is an efficient, effective and compassionate response to these issues and the workplace mental health demands of your team. Here are the main reasons why.

We are not an EAP: Wellbeing Partners are excellently positioned to offer the support that is needed and are set up to cope with demand in a way the EAPs are not. We are a dedicated service that has the skills, experience and personnel to realise what solution best fits the challenges faced by organisations.  Our Employee Counselling is a non-subscription, pay-as-you-use service that allows a greater flexibility for organisations and quicker access to mental health support for employees.

New Trend, New Approach: Responding to the mental health crisis requires a dynamic approach. Employee counselling is the emergent trend in workplace mental health, one that we have been using for many years with our clients. Our workplace counselling service is refined, effective and offers dedicated one-to-one appointments with staff in house or online to fit with their busy schedules.

Training and Experience: Wellbeing Partners are experts at providing workplace mental health and wellbeing support.  This is because we source and employee experts in their fields.  All our counsellors are BACP certified and, crucially, have at least 10 years’ experience in the field. They also all have extensive experience of providing employee counselling in professional settings and combine unrivalled training and experience that meets your needs.

Accessibility of Mental Health Support: Our Workplace Counselling offers a broad service that sees no problem as too big or too small.  EAPs find that because of demands placed on them they have to turn people away. Sometimes this is because their requests are deemed too small to meet the threshold for mental health support, or conversely, they are too big or complicated for the support they can offer. At Wellbeing Partners we welcome all employee mental health problems, offering a forum and safe environment for people to work through their challenges.

Prevention, Performance and Confidence: Our broad approach to challenges through our Workplace Counselling means that smaller issues can be dealt with before they develop into crises.  It means bigger problems get the timely support required to help people overcome them.  It increases people’s ability to engage in the workplace, to perform, whilst also receiving much needed support.  Our counselling also focuses on creating the framework and confidence that people need to maintain their mental health once the sessions are concluded, reducing likelihood of later relapses.

Employee Counselling is not a luxury, but an intelligent, supportive and economical response to mental health issues. It offers both short and long-term gains for individuals and organisations.  You may find it useful to introduce regular employee counselling sessions for employees, each led by a multi-qualified specialist.  Alternatively urgent employee mental health sessions can be booked on a case-by-case basis, providing a cost-effective, high-quality alternative to the more familiar EAP approach.

Learn more about our Employee Counselling services

Getting Started

In-house Employee Counselling Service from Wellbeing Partners

Wellbeing Partners’ in-house employee counselling service provides the fastest and most effective solution for supporting the individual mental health needs of your employees, in your workplace or online.

Companies and organisations across the UK are finding their EAP services unable to cope with demand, many private medical insurers with waiting lists of more than 3 months for accessing mental health services, and an NHS completely overwhelmed with millions of adults on waiting lists of 18 months or longer, even for acute mental health issues.

This perfect storm of growing mental health issues and burnout across society combined with a lack of provision from the usual mental health support services is leaving employees without the support they need.

Wellbeing Partners’ In-House Counselling services is an efficient, effective and compassionate response to these issues and the mental health requirements of your employees. Here are the main reasons why:

We are not an EAP: Wellbeing Partners In-House Employee Counselling Service is pay-as-you-use service (not a subscription model) that allows great flexibility for organisations and fast access to mental health support for employees.

Your Own Team of Mental Health Professionals: Your organisation will be assigned a small and dedicated team of fully qualified and highly experienced counsellors who get to know your staff and are accessible at any time they are needed. Sessions can be offered in-person in your workplace, or online via secure video platform.

New Trend, New Approach: Responding to the mental health crisis requires a dynamic approach.  In house-counselling is the emergent trend in workplace mental health, one that we have been offering for many years with a large and growing list of workplace clients. Our in-house counselling service is refined, effective and offers dedicated one-to-one appointments with staff in-person or online to fit with their busy schedules.

Training and Experience: Wellbeing Partners are experts at providing mental health and wellbeing support in professional settings.  This is because we source and employ experts in their fields.  All our counsellors are BACP registered and with at least 10 years’ post-qualification experience. They also all have extensive experience of providing counselling and wellbeing coaching in professional settings and combine unrivalled training and experience that meets your needs.

Accessibility: Our In-House Counselling offers a broad service that sees no mental health issue as too big or too small.  EAPs are increasingly turning employees away if their issues are deemed too small to meet the threshold for mental health support, or conversely, they are too complex for the support they can offer. At Wellbeing Partners we support all your employees no matter what their issue, offering a forum and safe environment for people to work through their challenges.

Prevention, Performance and Confidence: Our broad approach to challenges in In-House Counselling means that smaller issues can be prevented from developing into crises and more complex issues receive the timely support they deserve.  Our counselling services focus on creating the framework and confidence that people need to maintain their mental health once the sessions are concluded, reducing likelihood of later relapses. In-House Employee Counselling is not a luxury, but an intelligent, supportive and economical response to mental health issues. It offers both short and long-term gains for individuals and organisations.

Learn more about our Employee Counselling services

Getting Started

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