Employee Counselling Update: The Rising Impact of Personal Relationship Difficulties on Workplace Mental Health and Performance

In recent months, there has been a very sharp increase in the number of employees seeking workplace counselling support for personal relationship problems, including infidelities, abusive behaviours, separations and divorce. This represents a shift away from burnout as the primary reason for employees seeking workplace counselling, and highlights yet another legacy of the pandemic – the detrimental impact on intimate relationships.

Experiencing difficulties and endings in our personal relationships often has a deeply emotional and distressing impact on all parts of our lives. Our intimate partners and our shared experiences with them are something we often rely on for permanence, stability and certainty.  When our relationships go through turbulence or come to an end, we can be left with feelings of loss, anger, guilt, anxiety and despair.

Whilst these issues have traditionally been seen as the preserve of the “personal” rather than “professional” sphere, there is increasing understanding that it is very difficult to separate from such emotionally overwhelming matters when we are trying to work.  

Employees who are going through relationship breakdown are more likely to experience symptoms of stress, anxiety, insomnia and clinical depression, in addition to financial worries and the impact of relationship breakdown on children and other family members.  This is burden enough to manage, on top of professional and workplace responsibilities which can be even more challenging in the midst of crisis.  A lack of focus and concentration, low self-esteem and emotional swings make it hard for people to engage in their work, creating a vicious circle that can contribute to overwhelm, exhaustion and mental health issues.

This is where our specialist workplace counselling service can offer your employees a safety net and support structure for their mental wellbeing and provide tools to improve their ability to focus and be effective at work, boosting their self-esteem and confidence.

Whilst many EAPs are turning away employees who are struggling with important issues such as relationship breakdown, our specialist workplace counselling service is well-equipped to support all employees and their wide range of issues and needs.  

Our Workplace Counselling Team are fully qualified counselling psychotherapists – with at least 10 years post-qualification experience in supporting employee mental health and wellbeing.

Our Workplace Counselling Services are available on a regular or ad hoc basis. For further information see https://wellbeing.partners/employee-counselling/ or complete the form below:

What is Employee Mental Health?

When it comes to the workplace, there has been a high degree of focus on physical wellbeing for employees, with many companies laying on gym memberships, yoga sessions and massage sessions for staff. But what about employee mental health?

Employee mental health in the workplace is becoming a hot topic and with good reason. Mental wellbeing is vital for us as individuals and also vital for us as employees. Good mental health contributes to productivity, concentration, creativity, complex decision-making, communication and satisfaction.

Reduced mental health diminishes all these facets within us and as a consequence, our work suffers.

Workplace stress and the resulting anxiety may be a cause of mental health issues or there may be other causes outside work. Either way, there will be an impact on an individual’s ability to work. Stress, anxiety and depression can also result in a wide range of unhealthy coping strategies, such as an over-reliance on alcohol or other substances, excessive gambling, OCD, eating disorders or even self harm.

If your company is interested in the issue of employee mental health, improving your employees’ mental wellbeing and providing a duty of care for those who are suffering, we can provide a range of awareness, preventative and remedial services.

Our 60 minute “Managing Stress & Anxiety Workshop” is the perfect introduction to raising awareness and reducing stress-related mental health issues in your workplace. The one hour workshop is for groups of up to 20 people per session. It educates and enables all levels of staff around the issues of stress and anxiety, what the signs are that stress is becoming a problem, and how to effectively manage and reduce their own stress with our evidence-based programme.

We also provide confidential one-to-one Wellness Sessions in your workplace, which give employees a change to “offload” about their work or personal life stresses, or discuss anything that might be troubling them. These one-to-one Wellness Sessions take place in a quiet meeting room or office in your workplace, with a fully qualified counsellor, and are a great way for employees to talk to someone independent, trustworthy and experienced in helping employees with their workplace stress. The Wellness Sessions might be used by employees who have a very stressful job and who otherwise wouldn’t have time or the critical need to seek professional support, or the Wellness Sessions might be used by employees who are having anxiety or panic issues, are drinking too much or using other unhealthy coping strategies to deal with their stress.

Wellbeing Partners can also provide your company with a Mental Health First Aid training programme – the internationally-recognised training programme which provides a group of your employees with the training in how to spot the signs of mental health problems in the workplace, and what to do about it.

If your company would like to start a conversation around creating a mentally health workplace, or to book one of our fantastic employee mental health workshops or services, please get in touch. Call Nick Winfield on 07773 767248 or email [email protected]



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