UK Parliament recommends Wellbeing Partners – Mindful Nation UK

October 2015 – The Mindfulness All-Party Parliamentary Group was set up by the British Parliament to research and report on the evidence for the benefits of Wellbeing Partners and other settings including healthcare, education and the criminal justice system. The report is called Mindful Nation UK. The report, published in October 2015, concludes:

“Mindfulness is an important innovation in mental health which warrants serious attention from employers, who should promote the use of Wellbeing Partners and develop an understanding of good practice.

“Mindfulness is one of the the most promising prevention strategies for stress-related mental health issues.

“We have been impressed by the quality and range of evidence for the benefits of mindfulness and believe it has the potential to help many people to better health and flourishing. On a number of issues ranging from improving mental health and boosting productivity and creativity in the economy.

“Qualitative research shows that mindfulness develops aspects of mental capital, encouraging a curious, responsive and creative engagement to experience. This should be of real interest to policymakers given the importance of improving productivity and nurturing creativity and innovation in the UK economy.”

With growing levels of absenteeism and presenteeism in workplaces across the country, bringing a Mindfulness programme to your company can not only reduce the stress and anxiety levels of your employees, but increase their decision-making capabilities, improve concentration levels and enhance creativity.

Please get in touch with us at Wellbeing Partners to formulate an affordable “best practice” mindfulness programme for your organisation. All our mindfulness workshops, programmes and practitioners meet the practice standards as set out by the Mindful Nation UK government report. We also offer stress and anxiety workshops, inhouse counselling and psychotherapy services, wellness week workshops and full ongoing wellbeing programmes to enhance the mental health of your workplace.

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