Bite-Sized Lunch & Learns for Autumn and Winter

We are excited to launch our new range of Seasonal Bite-Sized Lunch & Learns – a series of five x 30 minute winter wellbeing workshops for your employees to learn key tips and techniques for boosting their wellbeing throughout autumn and winter.  The sessions are delivered by our team of fully qualified and experienced professionals.

These shorter sessions offer a timely and accessible way of reminding your staff about vital self-care actions for staying well and productive over the colder, darker months.

Bite-Sized Lunch & Learns – 30 minutes each, live online for your employees

Combatting Loneliness in Winter: Loneliness and isolation are common experiences felt by a growing number of people, particularly over the autumn and winter months. Loneliness is a risk factor for anxiety, depression and low self-esteem.. This session looks at how loneliness can develop, and practical steps to bolster connection and a sense of belonging.

Movement for Mental Health: Humans evolved to be active every day, but the colder months see most working people moving and exercising less, impacting mood and mental wellbeing and overall health. This session explores strategies for how employees can incorporate movement into break times, and find time for enjoyable, regular exercise throughout winter, bolstering both mental and physical wellbeing.

Nutrition Basics for Winter: As we move into the autumn and winter there’s a shift what we desire and require in terms of food and nutrition. This session helps your employees to gain knowledge and skills for planning and preparing for eating well over the winter months for enjoyment, warmth, immune system, physical health and mental wellbeing. 

Get Your Sleep Sorted: Good mental health is underpinned by heathy sleep, and in the winter months our sleep drive and sleeping patterns can change.  This short masterclass teaches the basics of becoming a “good sleeper” using psychology-based techniques – a highly successful method designed to combat insomnia, to cultivate the foundations of rest needed for good mental health wellbeing.

Avoiding Anxiety in Winter:  Fewer daylight hours, a seemingly monochrome environment, the damp, the cold and the relentlessness of the winter months are often associated with depression, however the winter environment can be a trigger for anxiety too.  In this session, we explore a variety of anxiety reduction techniques, giving employees a toolkit to feel more calm and content during winter.

If you would like more information on these Lunch & Learns, please complete the form below:

1 November 2022

November Newsletter

November is here already – it seems to have snuck up on us!  As evenings draw in and temperatures drop, we can be forgiven for lamenting the loss of the sunny days and long evenings of summer. Indeed, many people experience a downturn in mood as the seasons change, with people feeling increasingly isolated, fed up, lethargic and as many as 2 million experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Perhaps reflecting this, November is replete with mental and physical health awareness days and there is a particular slant towards raising awareness of male mental health issues as we head into winter.

At Wellbeing Partners, we are committed to offering solutions to these issues, through workshops, courses, counselling and expert advice and we are excited about the opportunities to do this throughout November.

MOVEMBER 1st – 30th November: Using humour to confront serious issues is a brilliant way to engage people whilst raising awareness. Movemeber creates a humorous shared experience whilst bringing male mental health into daily conversation.  Globally, 60 men take their own lives every hour and 1 in 8 men have a mental health issue, but men are still statistically unlikely to seek help. Wellbeing Partners offers a broad range of sessions to support men’s health including ‘Men’s Health’, ‘Men’s Mental Health’, ‘Mindfulness for Men’ as well as expert counselling and one-to-one sessions.

International Stress Awareness Week 7th – 11th November: If left unchecked, heightened stress can trigger serious health issues, both mentally and physically, as well as affecting our performance and attendance in the workplace. International Stress Awareness week is an opportunity to reflect on stress levels and cultivate strategies to help us reduce them.  Stress management is a speciality of Wellbeing Partners and we have a variety of options available.  As well as our expert-led counselling sessions, we offer interactive workshops including ‘Managing Stress and Enhancing Resilience’, ‘Recover from Burnout’, ‘From Anxious to Calm’, ‘Facing Anxiety and Flourishing’, ‘Wellbeing in Hybrid Working, and ‘Back on Track: Cultivating a Positive Mindset’.

World Kindness Day 13th November: This annual awareness day is an opportunity for individuals, groups and organisations to consider our sense of shared humanity and to promote courses, workshops, behaviours and initiatives that spread kindness and connectivity. After two gruelling years of a pandemic and continued financial and global uncertainty, this is a perfect time to engage in behaviours that enhance kindness, boost mood and reduce stress.  Wellbeing Partners present such opportunities through the sessions ‘Kindness and Compassion’ and ‘Improving Connection and Belonging’.

World Diabetes Day 14th November: November is not just about mental health, but also raising awareness of physical health issues like diabetes. Globally, someone is diagnosed with type-2 diabetes every two-minutes and awareness of diet and lifestyle choices that affect the illness can help us avoid serious health issues later in life. Our expert nutritionists deliver engaging sessions that can help with this including ‘Reducing Sugar in your Diet’, ‘Ten Tips for Healthy Eating’ and ‘The Ultimate Detox’.

International Men’s Day 19th November: This annual awareness day is an opportunity to reflect on positive male role models and achievement whilst also addressing serious issues around male mental health. The year’s theme is ‘Better Relations between Men and Women’ and addressing mental health issues is an essential part of this as it gives men the skills required for emotional honesty and emotional intelligence, the bedrock of healthy relationships. We can help men explore their mental health issues through expert counselling and curated sessions on ‘Men’s Health’, ‘Men’s Mental Health’ as well as ‘Mindfulness for Men’.

If you would like more information on any of these sessions, please get in touch or enter your details below.

Getting Started

Enter your details below or call us on 020 3951 7685 to get started

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