Overcoming Negative Thoughts

  • One hour per week for 4 weeks
  • Daytime and evening courses available
  • Live, interactive and instructor-led
  • Online group of maximum 15 participants

Worry, rumination and negative thoughts are part of being human and we will all experience them from time to time. However, they can grow to become an issue that impacts our mental and physical wellbeing as well as our ability to function personally and professionally. When our thoughts become harmful to our wellbeing, they are called Cognitive Distortions.

This 4 week course, one hour per week, led by a fully qualified (MSc) cognitive behavioural science instructor / facilitator, provides participants with the advice, skills and exercises to manage their unhelpful thinking patterns, reduce anxiety, balance mood, build perspective and gain resilience.

Drawing upon the theoretical underpinnings of Cognitive Behavioural Theory and Psychology, the course utilises a blend of practices from CBT, resilience training, stress reduction, self-compassion, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence to give participants a distinctive set of tools to help them respond to anxiety skilfully and with confidence.

This course will help to:

– Develop awareness around negative thinking patterns and how to respond to them
– Explore our relationship to thoughts, cognitive distortions, low mood and anxiety
– Teach practical skills and exercises to help us meet and reduce anxiety and low mood
– Cultivate self-compassion and resilience
– Utilise gratitude and emotional intelligence as balancing forces at times of duress
– Furnish practitioners with skills to take out into daily life and flourish

Course Price: £150 per person

Please email [email protected] if you’d like more information or to book your place on the course

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