Virtual Wellbeing Partners


We are extremely busy here at virtual Wellbeing Partners! All our workshops, sessions, masterclasses and confidential one to ones are available via Zoom, Webex, GoToWebinar, Skype, Skype for Business or any other platform that works for you and your employees.

We have adapted all our mental wellbeing sessions to take into consideration the many challenges different people are facing at this time. Please get in touch if you’d like to know more about our live sessions:

  • 30 minute Mindfulness – drop-in themed meditation sessions
  • Confidential one to one Wellness Sessions and Counselling Sessions
  • Mental Health Training for Line Managers
  • How to Improve Your Mental Health
  • Regulating Anxiety
  • Reducing Stress and Enhancing Resilience
  • Introduction to Mindfulness
  • How to Improve Your Sleep
  • Children’s Wellbeing
  • Digital Detox
  • Reducing Stress Through Diet
  • Women’s Health
  • Men’s Health
  • Movement, Posture & Stretching


If you’d like more information on any of our sessions, or to arrange a run-through of any of our workshops, or to trial a live 30 minute mindfulness sessions, please get in touch! [email protected]

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