Men’s Health In The Workplace

The statistics around men’s health are very worrying indeed. Men have far, far higher levels of physical and mental health problems than women, and yet men’s understanding of health issues and levels of access to health services are astonishingly low.

Some of the incredible statistics around men’s health include:

  • Men are nearly 3 times more likely than women to become alcohol dependent
  • Men report significantly lower life satisfaction than women
  • Men have measurably lower access to the social support of friends, relatives and community
  • Men are far less likely to access health services
  • Men are more likely to be obese
  • Men are more likely to have complex physical health problems
  • Only one third of NHS psychological therapies users are men
  • Less than 20% of private counselling and psychotherapy clients are men
  • The peak age for stress-related mental health issues in men is 45-54 – far higher than other age groups
  • Over three quarters of people who kill themselves are men
  • Suicide is the biggest cause of death for men under 35
  • Men are more likely to use illegal drugs and die from them
  • Boys are performing less well than girls at all levels of education

As most men spend a majority of their time in the workplace, it is clear that more awareness of men’s health issues should be raised in the workplace, and that men’s health services should be made more available at work.

Men’s Health in the Workplace is our programme of physical and mental health awareness, prevention and remedy services for men’s health issues, delivered with knowledge, care and sensitivity to men of all ages and stages, in their workplace.

Our Men’s Health Awareness Workshop is the perfect way to introduce awareness and discussion of mental and physical health to the men in your workplace.  The workshop is presented by our Men’s Health Specialist, Peter Baker, who has over 20 years experience in training, public speaking, policy, strategy and service development, advocacy and lobbying, research and analysis, social marketing, equality and diversity.

As well as our Men’s Health Awareness Workshops for the men in your workplace, we can also provide men’s MOT health checks, improving mental health and resilience workshops, confidential one-to-one counselling sessions, nutrition workshops and individual sessions, physiotherapy workshops and individual sessions, yoga and pilates classes, and massage – all in your workplace.

If you’d like to start a conversation around men’s health in your workplace, or to book a Men’s Health Awareness Workshop or any other of our wellbeing services, please contact Nick Winfield at [email protected] or call 07773 767248.





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