17 September 2021

Recovery from Burnout

In this second year of the pandemic, employee mental health has been dominated by ‘burnout’- a type of stress-related exhaustion that severely impacts a person’s professional and personal life.

Characterised by low motivation and energy, fatigue, low productivity, an inability to concentrate, poor memory, sleep problems, addictive device usage, irritation, and a general state of ‘nothing more to give’, it has been increasingly prevalent since early 2021 and rates are continuing to rise rapidly.

Our 60 minute ‘Recovery from Burnout’ workshop is a live, interactive session that provides a range of solutionstips and techniques for relieving the symptoms of burnout and restoring the energy, motivation and positivity that employees are crying out for. The session looks at:

  • Underlying causes: the science, signs and symptoms of burnout
  • Recovery from burnout: practical tips and solutions for regaining energy and motivating
  • Maintaining wellbeing: how to avoid the re-emergence of burnout as the pandemic grinds on

To find out more about this essential workshop for your employees, please get in touch with [email protected]

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