18 April 2024

Neurodivergence and Mental Health – come to our workshop at the Watercooler event next week

Our programmes director Lou Campbell is a guest speaker at the Watercooler Event next week and is talking on the topic of Supporting the Mental Health of Neurodivergent Employees on both days. Her speaking slots are on Tuesday 23rd April at 3pm and again on Wednesday 24th April at 11.45am.  More information about the talk is below. If you would like to receive free entry to the Watercooler event on either date to see Lou speak, please get in touch!

Supporting the mental health of neurodivergent employees

Neurodivergence is not a mental health issue. However, neurodivergent employees can be at a much higher risk of mental health issues, particularly if employers are unaware of the factors that can cause detriment to the wellbeing of employees with autism, ADHD, dyslexia and more neurodivergent conditions. This session is presented by Lou Campbell, a fully qualified workplace mental health professional, who specialises in supporting the mental health of neurodivergent employees.

This workshop will provide:

·        A range of tips for helping your neurodivergent colleagues thrive at work

·        Advice on what to do if your neurodivergent colleagues are struggling with their mental wellbeing

To book your ticket visit https://www.watercoolerevent.com

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