Navigating the New Normal

The New Normal offers us many challenges. The reality is that we are still living and working in an ongoing global pandemic.

With lockdown gradually lifting and organisations starting to plan a return to the workplace, a huge number of employees are anxious and uncertain about how to navigate the new normal. According to research:

  • 65% of people are anxious about returning to the workplace
  • 70% of people are anxious about using public transport

A very large number of people across the country are also concerned about returning to a frantic pace of life, are anxious about socialising after a long period of isolation, and many are worried about potential changes in social etiquette.

The good news is that there are many steps we can take to meet the varied challenges and flourish, both professionally and personally.  Our behavioural science team have created a one hour interactive workshop for employees called Navigating the New Normal:

  • Understanding the New Normal
  • Managing the Stress Response
  • How to Cope with:
    • Transport
    • Office / Workplace
    • Socialising
  • Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction
  • Techniques for reducing anxiety: Labelling and Grounding
  • Professional support
  • Self Care Action Plan
  • Communication Tips

For more information and to book the workshop for your employees, contact [email protected]

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