11 June 2020

Mental Health First Aid Online


We are so excited to launch the new certified Mental Health First Aid Online courses!

The courses will be run over 4 x half days and we already have two open courses booked in, with our fully qualified and highly experienced MHFA Instructors:

9am to 1pm on Monday 29th June, Tuesday 30th June, Wednesday 1st July, Thursday 2nd July.


9am to 1pm on Monday 27th July, Tuesday 28th July, Wednesday 29th July and Thursday 30th July.

Please get in touch at [email protected] for more information or to book!!


#mhfa #mhfaonline #mentalhealthfirstaid #certifiedmentalhealthfirstaid #workplacewellbeing #mentalhealth #workplacehealth #wellbeingatwork #workplacementalhealth #mentalhealthatwork #firstaid #healthandwellbeing

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