Line Managers’ Mental Health Training

Our mind is at the very centre of who we are and how we relate to others. Our mental health doesn’t leave itself at the door when we arrive at work; it shapes who we are as employees as well as in our wider lives.

In the workplace, mental ill health is now the primary cause of long-term sickness absence for over one in five UK organisations, and growing. A recent survey of over 44,000 employees also found that only two in five felt their manager would be able to spot the signs they were struggling with poor mental health.

Line Managers are often lacking the confidence or knowledge in how to skilfully manage a mental health issue in their team, and so it is unsurprising they might be uncomfortable or feel that they are unable to support and guide employees who are struggling with their emotional or mental health.

Our bespoke Two Hour Mental Health Training for Line Managers is a short and very effective course that helps managers identify the signs of mental ill health in team members, and focuses on how line managers can skilfully handle conversations around mental health and emotional distress in their team, signposting on to appropriate professional support where necessary.

The session includes fully evidence-backed statistics and data, an action plan for managing mental health issues as they arise, relevant case studies and the Line Manager’s Resource book for each delegate. The training is presented and facilitated by our team of fully qualified mental health instructors, who are also qualified counsellors with many years’ experience in the corporate environment.

Wellbeing Partners are the mental and physical wellbeing specialists, providing whole-person health programmes to workplaces around the UK. We are a leading provider of on-site stress management and full-service employee mental health services ( ) and have a full suite of integrated wellbeing solutions that focus on awareness, prevention and remedy that help to keep your employees healthy, productive, focused and creative.

If you’d like to hear more about our ‘Mental Health Training for Line Managers (Short Course)’ or would like to find out more about our whole-person health and wellbeing solutions, please email [email protected] to discuss your specific requirements.

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