15 October 2020

Four Ways to Employee Mental Wellbeing

With winter on the horizon and the prevailing uncertainty and restrictions of the pandemic, supporting employee mental wellbeing over the coming months is set to be a priority for many organisations as they look to keep their employees healthy, engaged and productive.

Here are four ways we can help you support the mental health and wellbeing of your employees during these uncertain and challenging times:

  • From ‘Navigating the New Normal’, ‘Regulating Anxiety’ and ‘Work / Life Balance During Homeworking’ through to ‘Healthy Habits’ and ‘Kindness and Self-Compassion’ we have a wide range of 60 minute topical sessions and master classes for your employees, to help them adjust to and thrive in this new working environment. All live and interactive on the online platform of your choice.
  • As the short days, grey skies and that feeling of winter dread creep in and disrupt our lives, we also have a selection of one hour seasonal sessions that provide practical, easy to implement tips and advice to help your employees maintain their mental health and wellbeing through winter and continue to perform at their peak. These include: ‘Beating the Winter Blues & SAD’, ‘Nutrition Strategies for Winter’ and ‘How to Strengthen Your Immune System’.
  • Now, more than ever before, line managers are at the frontline of mental health when it comes to their team members. Our customisable, two hour Mental Health Training for Line Managers course, is a live interactive session that provides managers with the information, skills and actions to support the mental health of their teams. From spotting the signs and symptoms if someone is struggling, to knowing how to have a supportive conversation and signposting on to the appropriate professional support, this short course is an absolute must for line managers at forward thinking businesses.
  • For your wider group of employees, our 90 minute ‘Talking Mental Health’ session is another live and interactive workshop that equips employees with knowledge about mental health, the basics around emotional support; and provides a range of tips and techniques to help employees improve and maintain their own mental wellbeing.

By way of introduction, Wellbeing Partners is the mental and physical wellbeing specialists, providing whole-person health programmes to organisations around the UK and across the world. We are the leading provider of stress management and full-service employee mental health services ( wellbeing.partners ) and have a full suite of integrated wellbeing solutions that focus on awareness, prevention and remedy.

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